4 Suntan-Friendly Products. How to Enjoy a Long-Lasting Tan?

Would you like to feel the sun-kiss on your skin the longest possible? It gives your skin such a beautiful brown shade. You can make the suntan long-lasting without special products. Read on to discover easy and home methods for keeping the tan!

Suntan is darkening of the skin as a result of natural physiological reaction during the exposure to UV radiation. It is seasonal – during months with stronger sunlight, the skin produces more melanin and gets brown. How to keep the effect? What can you do to amaze with a suntan?

Crunch on carrots!

Carrot is the sun’s ‘cousin’. It is a natural bronzer. Carrot is abounding in beta carotene that stimulates the production of melanin. It enriches the skin with pigment so the tan does not vanish. What is more, carrots have other properties e.g. antioxidant. They protect your skin from photo-ageing.

◦ Eat a fresh carrot or drink a glass of fresh carrot juice every day.

Get to like red pepper!

Another ‘sunny’ vegetable is red pepper. It is also rich in beta carotene – not as much as carrots yet pepper also enhances the natural tan, protects from free radicals and provides your body with vitamin C.

◦ Eat fresh pepper – add it to your meals or use as a snack.

Replace apples with mangos!

There is one fruit among natural products rich in beta carotene. It is mango. Due to the content of beta carotene, a lot of vitamin C and iron – introducing it into your diet is worthwhile. Fresh mango shields from toxins, fights free radicals and blocks premature skin ageing.

◦ Drink a fresh mango juice or use it in a fruit salad.

Choose olive oil!

And finally, a substance that has little to do with beta carotene but it can make the tan long-lasting thanks to other properties. Olive oil is a brilliant moisturiser so the suntan does not exfoliate with the epidermis as quickly. The oil has also antioxidant and anti-ageing qualities.

◦ Enrich your meals with olive oil or use it for skin oiling. 

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