In addition to the obvious protective function, eyebrows also beautify our face. They form a kind of frame for the eyes, define the look and significantly affect the general look of our face. However, it’s important to take care of the eyebrows. The most important is the proper shape of the eyebrows, that is, the shape that suits your face the most.
Tweezing your eyebrows in five steps
- Step 1: To pluck your eyebrows you will need the following accessories and cosmetics: tweezers, an eyebrow pencil or a pencil to determine the contour of the brow, skin soothing cosmetics. With this set you can start plucking your eyebrows.
- Step 2: Place the pencil or the brush next to the flare of the nostril and touch the inner corner of your eye. Draw a dot to mark the place where the brow should begin.
- Step 3: Move the pencil so that it touches the outer corner of the eye. This will be the end of your brow line.
- Step 4: To mark the arch, look straight and move the pencil to touch the outer edge of your iris.
- Step 5: Now all the points should be connected. Then pull out the hairs that are outside the contour.
Eyebrow shaping – useful tips
- Use a few ice cubes to ease pain and skin irritations.
- Comb the eyebrows before plucking them.
- Make sure you have access to light. This way you will be able to notice even the smallest hairs.
- Pluck the hairs from the spot between your eyebrows and above them.
- Sanitise the tweezers before use.
- Stretch the skin of the eyelids to reduce the pain.
- Pluck the eyebrows in the direction of hair growth.
- If some blood appears in the place of the removed hair, sanitise this skin area.
- The eyebrows should be as similar as possible, so check their appearance from time to time.
Eyebrow shaping – mistakes to avoid
A basic mistake when it comes to eyebrow shaping involves over-plucking them. The effect is thin lines, halves of eyebrows or too angled arches. It looks really bad and the possible corrections are very difficult as regrowing takes a lot of time. What is more, make-up of such eyebrows might cause some troubles as well. Still, even the best make-up will not be able to hide all of the mistakes.
Another mistake is to skip eyebrow shaping. Mother Nature did not give us ideal eyebrows with each hair strictly growing in the designed place. In fact, natural eyebrows were a trend but even at that time the hairs had to be arranged and styled in some way.
Some women have a tendency to shorten their eyebrows. As a result, the brow line ends in the middle of the eye, not near its outer corner. There is no need to mention that it gives a very unnatural, unfashionable and grotesque effect. A variation of this mistake is a removal of the hairs in the lower part of the arch. As a result, the eyes always look puzzled and the face angry.
Other common mistake is using cosmetics in dark shades. The eyebrow is then exaggerated, resembling a theatrical mask that looks really bad with a light complexion. The colour of your eyebrows should match the colour of your hair, eyelashes, iris and the skin.
Eyebrow shaping – how to hide the mistakes
If you have removed too many hairs, try to draw them with a pencil. It should match the colour of your eyebrows. Using short, feathery strokes, fill in the brow. You also need to support the growth of new hairs, use some nutrients for this purpose. However, if you did it completely wrong, wait for the hairs to regrow and visit a technician who will take proper care of your eyebrows.
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