Which Exfoliating Socks to Choose?

The summer is almost here. We take off heavy winter boots and put on sandals with our fingers and heels exposed. However, before you change your footwear, take care of your feet! The pedicure itself isn’t enough; skin of your heels should be smooth and well-moistened. If you don’t have time to use a pumice stone and apply a cream, give a try to Exfoliating Socks.

Pumice Stone and Heel Skin Grater vs. Exfoliating Socks

Exfoliating Socks are made either of transparent or white plastic. They are soaked with fruit acids and moistening substances of gel consistency. Exfoliating Socks have to be put on feet and left for the period of time recommended by the producer. The residues of the gel cosmetic has to be removed with lukewarm water as the skin has to be moistened. Why Exfoliating Socks are better than pumice stone and heel skin grater? Firstly, the socks don’t irritate nor exfoliate the epidermis too strongly. Instead, they act gently and moisturise. Secondly, exfoliating socks aren’t bacteria habitant, as pumice stone and heel skin grater are. When damp, items like pumice stone pose a perfect environment for microorganism to gather and multiply. Often this lead to fungal infection. Thirdly, thanks to exfoliating socks, you’ll obtain way better results. Additionally, the entire procedure is fairly pleasant.

How Do Exfoliating Socks Work?

For epidermis exfoliation responsible are hydroacetic acid, lactic acid, silicic acid and citric acid. Skin regeneration doesn’t follow immediately but it takes more or less a week to notice any changes. While exfoliating dead epidermis cells with acids, the skin becomes exposed to solar radiation. For that very reason, it’s important to use creams containing UV filters. Additionally, Exfoliating Socks replenish foot skin with water. Substances that work in this way are urea, allantoin and castor oil. Therefore, to maintain the proper level of miniaturization of your foot skin, apply your favourite foot creams.

How to Use Exfoliating Socks?

Exfoliating Socks have to be put on damp feet. They have to be kept on feet as long as the producer recommended to. This unique footwear is very comfortable – you can walk while having them on. Remember that during the epidermis exfoliation process you mustn’t use pumice stones, heel skin graters, peelings and foot masks of an intensive action.

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